Crypto Wallet arrive chez Veritas, préinscription ouverte pour en bénéficier en premier, cliquez ICI pour plus d'infos

La nouvelle Veritas arrive. Précommandez jusqu'au 15 mars pour bénéficier d'un prix spécial. Pré-commander ICI

ExpressIssue, module de communication exclusif chez Veritas. Pour répondre aux situations complexes, Veritas vous propose de prendre rendez vous téléphonique, cliquez ICI pour plus d'infos

Cette page vise à informer sur la situation de Monavate, un fournisseur tiers externe qui a peut-être émis votre carte, cliquez ICI pour plus d'infos

This page is for informing about the situation of Monavate, one of external third party provider which maybe issued your card

Clients with cards issue by Monavate are concerned
Clients with cards NOT issued by Monavate are NOT concerned
Clients with non cards services such as trading, investment, insurance are NOT concerned

If you have a card issued by Monavate, you may have noticed service interruptions in recent months. This situation led us to take measures to replace Monavate with another issuer during the year 2025. If you have a product/service of Monavate you bought through our platform your product/service will be replace by another one before the 31th July 2025.

Common questions

What is last update?
How do I know if I have a card issued by Monavate?
Will I be able to keep using my Monavate card?
Are my funds protected with this event?
Is VeritasCard will also close?
What are the consequences of stopping Monavate ’s activities?
I receive my salary / social welfare payments to my card. What does this mean for me?
I would like to deactivate my card and have my funds refunded to me, how do I proceed?
My distributor has advised that it is moving to an alternative regulated firm. What does this mean?
I have a query – Can I still contact the cardholder services team?
Can I apply for a new card?
My card has expired, will it be renewed?
Will there be any restrictions or limits imposed on my new card?
Will chargebacks or transactions currently being disputed continue per the normal process?
I have a Monavate card. I have no funds on the card, never made any purchase and never loaded funds on the card. How am I affected?
My account is under review, what is happening?
Will additional charges be levied on my card?
Why hasn't my transfer arrived yet?
I have other questions, what should I do?
Being alert to scams
What happen to my cards issued by Monavate
Where can I consult my IBAN?
Who to notify in the event of an IBAN change?
Can I use my IBAN before receiving my card?
What should I do to receive transfers to my Veritas?
My transfer arrived on my old IBAN; what should I do?
What will happen to cards issued by Monavate?
Will there be any changes to fees or terms of use?
What should I do if I pass the digital identification but I cannot activate Veritas card?
carta veritas holding uomo

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